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Registrations are now closed!


To register a team CLICK HERE to take you to the Touch Football Australia website, then hit REGISTER in the top right corner


To register as a player into an existing team CLICK HERE


To register as a player looking for a team to play in CLICK HERE


Competition Dates
Start Date: Tuesday 8th October
Byes: Tuesday 17th December to Tuesday 7th January 2025

Semi Finals: Tuesday 4th February 2025
Grand Finals/End of Season Wind Up: Friday 7th February 2025


Men's, Women's, Mixed


Game Times
Tuesday nights,
 6.15pm, 7.05pm or 7.55pm


Team Composition
Minimum of 10 players, no maximum
Mixed teams must play a minimum of three females on the field at all times


Player Fees

​Fees will remain the same as last season!

Adults (born 2006 or earlier) - $150 per player 

Juniors (born 2007 or after) - $125 per player


In 2023, Touch Football Australia (TFA) introduced a new membership model which changed the way you pay to play touch football.  Instead of Tompkins Park Touch paying affiliation fees to TFA and Touch Football WA (TFWA) from your team fees, you will need to pay $22 to TFA and $20 to Touch Football WA (a total of $42), once, every financial year.   The new model means you only pay one membership fee, regardless of how many competitions or teams you play in, which is good news for those hardcore touch players!  This new model stated on 1st July 2023, so when you register for the first time through MySideline after this date, you will be prompted to pay the annual membership fee of $42. 


Players also pay a separate competition fee directly to Tompkins Park Touch.  If you have already paid your membership fee elsewhere, you only need to pay the competition fee to Tompkins Park Touch.  Don't worry if it all sounds a bit complicated, MySideline will calculate the fee for you automatically!  But please get in touch if you experience any issues at the time of registering.


Team Delegate Referee Duties

Teams will be required to provide delegate referees throughout the season.  Should your team not wish to do undertake team delegate referee duties, your team can opt to pay an additional $200 to cover the costs of the club providing more referees, payable by week 3 of the season.


Issues with registering?

If you have any issues trying to register through the online registration system MySideline, please get in touch so we can work them out.  â€‹




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